Any expert witness, witness or property assessor of an insured accident who deliberately provides false supporting documents, thus creating the conditions for another to practise defraudation, shall be deemed an accomplice in insurance fraud and punished as such. 保险事故的鉴定人、证明人、财产评估人故意提供虚假的证明文件,为他人诈骗提供条件的,以保险诈骗的共犯论处。
Third, if he has served as a witness, expert witness or defender in the CASE or has represented a party in an incidental civil action. 他担任过本案的证人、鉴定人、辩护人或附带民事诉讼当事人的代理人。
The expert witness giving testimony was arguing that while smoking may be correlated with lung cancer, a causal relationship was unproven and implausible. 那位做听证发言的专家证人辩称,尽管吸烟或许跟肺癌相关,但两者之间不存在已证明的、令人信服的因果关系。
Alex Stamos, who was to testify as an expert witness for the defence, described it as inconsiderate, not criminal. 亚历克斯·史塔摩斯原本要以专家证人的身份为被告作证,在他看来,施瓦茨的行为只是不替他人着想,并未触犯刑法。
He also has court experience as an expert witness with respect to a number of high-profile cases relating to IP. 凭藉他在业界的超卓地位,他曾被邀请于数宗有关知识产权的瞩目诉讼案件担任专家证人。
With the permission of the court, the litigant may question the witnesses, the expert witness and the inspector. 当事人经法庭许可,可以向证人,鉴定人,勘验人发问。
The reason I know about this case is because I was asked to be an expert witness in the dispute, to explain the differences between the English and Chinese versions of the contract. 我之所以知道这个案子,是因为在这场纠纷中,我被请去作为一个鉴定证人,去解释合同中、英文版本之间的差异。
On the Establishment of Expert Witness System in China: Based on Two Medical Care Conflicts of Opposite Sentences 关于建立我国专家证人制度的思考&从两例审判结果完全相反的医疗纠纷案件谈起
The expert conclusion shall be signed by the expert witness. 鉴定结论应当由鉴定人签名。
So setting up Expert Witness in medical lawsuits is good to solve the problems of medical dispute as well as protect the legitimate rights of both the doctors and patients. 本文就医疗纠纷中专家证人制度的一些具体问题及构建有中国特色医疗纠纷中的专家证人制度做一探讨。
A psychiatrist was called as an expert witness for the defence. 一位精神病专家被传来作为被告的专家见证人。
Even an expert witness called to discuss statistical movements of stock prices turned feisty as he sparred with prosecutors seeking to discredit his analysis and testimony. 有一位被召来讨论股价变动的专家证人,由于其分析和证词遭到检察官的怀疑,与之发生了激烈争吵。
He is a mathematician-turned-geneticist, as an expert witness to supplement the seventeen expert witnesses called by the prosecution and defense. 他原来是数学家,后来成为一名遗传学家,他负责补充其他由控方和辩方召集的17个专家证人的证言。
Leave it to you to eviscerate an expert witness. 让你对付那位专家证人。
His case is not help by the evidence of the expert witness. 专家证人的证据没有给该案帮上忙。
Expert witness system to protect the right of action in the identification of the embodiment of experts, starting power distribution during the cross-examination evidence. 专家证人制度对当事人诉讼权利的保护集中体现在鉴定的启动权分配,对专家证据的质证过程中。
In addition, he is an Accredited Mediator with the Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia ( CIDB), and has handled mediation and arbitration cases and provided expert witness services. 此外,王书燐是马来西亚建筑业发展局注册(CIDB)调解员,并曾主理调解及仲裁个案及提供专业证人服务。
In the countries of Anglo-American law system, being in the broadest sense of the expert witness or act as general witness. 在英美法系国家,鉴定人被作为广义上的证人或充当一般证人来看待。
The corroboratory department and its designated expert witness have the right to acquaint themselves with the files of the case requiring corroboration, and question the litigants and witnesses when necessary. 鉴定部门及其指定的鉴定人有权了解进行鉴定所需要的案件材料,必要时可以询问当事人、证人。
The forensic accounting expert witness. 法务会计专家证人制度。
In this paper, the task of forensic biomechanics expert witness, the procedure of expert witness, and the forensic biomechanics research methods and cases are reviewed. 本文对法医生物力学专家举证的任务,法医生物力学专家鉴定的程序,法医生物力学的研究方法和研究内容四个方面进行了综述。
In Criminal procedure, expert witness is independent and unprejudicial. 在刑事诉讼中,鉴定人处于独立和超然的地位。
On the second condition it mainly establishes necessary legal duty and responsibility for the expert witness in judicial practice. 关于第二个条件主要是针对司法实践中专家证人的投机设定了必要的法律义务和责任。
The author introduces the concept, history of the expert evidence system, the rights and obligations of expert witness in two legal system starting from the concept of the expert witness. 笔者以专家证人和鉴定人的概念入手介绍了两大法系中专家证据制度和鉴定人制度的概念、历史沿革和专家证人、鉴定人各自的权利、义务。
It includes "expert conclusion" of continental law system and "expert witness" of Anglo-American law system. 包括大陆法系的鉴定意见制度和英美法系的专家证言制度。
Establishing perfect system of criminal expert witness is the support to the effective operation of this mixed program. 构建完善的刑事专家证人制度是这种混合程序有效运行的支撑。
Inspection and Evaluation of the relevant provisions of the foreign expert witness court system. 对国外鉴定人出庭制度的相关规定进行考察与评析。
This part first introduces the expert witness system in Anglo-American legal system. 这一部分首先介绍英美法系关于专家证人制度的规定,着重介绍了专家证言可采性的规定。
Expert Opinion Evidence Rule involves Expert Witness, Expert Opinion, Credibility, Professional Rule and other issues. 专家意见证据规则是针对专家证人、专家意见、专家意见可信性和专门性等问题设立的证据规则制度。